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Ian Bogost at WIRED by Design, 2014. In partnership with Skywalker Sound, Marin County, CA. To learn more visit: live.wired.com...
Condé Nast présents WIRED by Design, a two-day live magazine exploring the intersection of cuture and design. Held from September 29-October 1 WxD will featur...
Natasha Jen at WIRED by Design, 2014. In partnership with Skywalker Sound, Marin County, CA. To learn more visit: live.wired.com...
Commune at WIRED by Design, 2014. In partnership with Skywalker Sound, Marin County, CA. To learn more visit: live.wired.com...
Cities used to grow (more or less) by accident. Today cities develop more intentionally. From Shanghai to Nairobi, designers, architects, and planners are using...